Man pages for mammykins/blockbuster
Deterioration model of the School Estate

areafy2Estimate the unit_area for an observation for a blockbuster...
blockbustThe deterioration of more than one blockbuster rows through...
blockbusterThe deterioration of a 'blockbuster_tibble' through time.
blockbuster_det_dataDeterioration rates of all blockbuster...
blockbuster_mc_listA markovList of markovchain objects containing the...
blockbuster_pdsA random ten percent sample of the condition of the School...
blockbuster_pds_repair_costsA dataframe of repair costs at 2016 prices.
blockcoster_lookupA lookup table for repair cost rate given a building...
boxplot.blockbuster_listThe default box-plotting of a 'blockbuster_list' object.
building_component_lookupA tibble lookup table of the 'elementid' of each of the 139...
det_eriorateThe deterioration of one blockbuster row through one time...
det_what_tmInternal function that selects the correct markovchain object...
plot.blockbuster_listThe default plotting of a 'blockbuster_list' object.
rebuildAn internal function that determines rebuilding intervention...
repairAn internal function that determines repairs intervention...
summary.blockbuster_listThe default summary of a 'blockbuster_list' object.
what_needs_repair_within_blockA helper function that updates the 'repair_status' of...
mammykins/blockbuster documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:22 a.m.