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This package allows you to add an attribute to your R objects that can be used to store comments. It provides a set of functions to list, add, and delete comments. In addition, text categories can be associated with comments. There is a special category of ‘todo’ comments which have their own functions to list, add, and delete them.


You can install the released version of comments from github with:




The comments package allows you to add comments to your data sets as you manipulate them, e.g. during your exploratory data analysis phase. To enable a data set to contain comments, first apply the enotes() function to it. You can optionally add an intial comment, e.g. a summary of the contents of the dataset, or the source of the dataset. Additional notes can be added using anote()

enotes() - enable an R object to have notes

df <- enotes(cars, 'dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars')
df <- anote(df, 'from base package') 

This enables the use of anote(), dnote(), notes(), and rnotes() with the cars data.frame

notes() - list the notes attached to an R object

#> #    Comments                                                       
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars                  
#> 2 :  from base package

You can also extract a specific note by providing a column vector of comment ids. A single comment will be printed with only the comment text, unless the ‘commentonly’ paramter is set to false

notes(df,1, commentonly = FALSE)
#> #    Comments                                                       
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars

This can be useful if you want to use the text from a specific comment, for example in the title of a plot

plot(df, main = notes(df,1))

anote() - add a new note to the list attached to an R object

Let’s rescale the values in the speed and distance columns to be between 0 and 1, add notes explaining this, and then print out the notes. An individual comment can contain a maximum of 66 characters. If your comment needs to be longer, use the anote function multiple times.

rescale_param <- function(x) { (x-min(x)) / (max(x)- min(x))}
df[] <- lapply(df, rescale_param)
df <- anote(df, 'rescaled speed to between 0 and 1')
df <- anote(df, 'rescaled distance to between 0 and 1')
#> #    Comments                                                       
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars                  
#> 2 :  from base package                                                
#> 3 :  rescaled speed to between 0 and 1                                
#> 4 :  rescaled distance to between 0 and 1

Use with dplyr package

These comments will follow any operations performed on the object, and can be used in conjunction with dplyr pipes (%>%) which provides a fast way to add notes as you proceed

df2 <- enotes(cars, 'dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars')
df3 <- df2 %>% 
  anote('added a time variable based on dist / speed') %>%
  mutate(time = dist / speed) %>%
  anote('filtered out dist variable') %>%
#> #    Comments                                                       
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars                  
#> 2 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                      
#> 3 :  filtered out dist variable
#> Observations: 50
#> Variables: 2
#> $ speed <dbl> 4, 4, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, …
#> $ time  <dbl> 0.5000000, 2.5000000, 0.5714286, 3.1428571, 2.0000000, 1.1…

dnote() - delete a note from the list of notes attached to an R object

You can selectively remove comments using the comment id

df3 <- dnote(df3,1,confirm = FALSE)
#> #    Comments                                                       
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                      
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable

summary function

Data frames with the commented class will include any comments when summary is run

#> #    Comments                                                       Time Stamp       
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                    04/06/2019 12:30   
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable                                     04/06/2019 12:30
#>      speed           time      
#>  Min.   : 4.0   Min.   :0.500  
#>  1st Qu.:12.0   1st Qu.:1.921  
#>  Median :15.0   Median :2.523  
#>  Mean   :15.4   Mean   :2.632  
#>  3rd Qu.:19.0   3rd Qu.:3.186  
#>  Max.   :25.0   Max.   :5.714

print function

R objects with the commented class will include any comments when print is run with the ‘notes’ parameter set to TRUE

print(df3[1:5,], notes = T)
#> #    Comments                                                       Time Stamp       
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                    04/06/2019 12:30   
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable                                     04/06/2019 12:30   
#>   speed      time
#> 1     4 0.5000000
#> 2     4 2.5000000
#> 3     7 0.5714286
#> 4     7 3.1428571
#> 5     8 2.0000000


All notes are entered with a timestamp. You can use the ‘showtimestamps’ parameter to see these

notes(df3, showtimestamps = T)
#> #    Comments                                                       Time Stamp       
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                    04/06/2019 12:30   
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable                                     04/06/2019 12:30


All notes are entered with a category. This is a text tag of up to 10 characters that can be attached to a comment when it is first added. You can use the ‘showcategories’ parameter to see these. By default, a comment is tagged with ‘none’.

notes(df3, showcategories = T)
#> #    Comments                                                        Category
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                     none      
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable                                      none

You can override the default tag when adding a comment by setting the ‘category’ parameter to your tag value.

df3 <- anote(df3, 'the dist values appear skewed', category = 'review')
notes(df3, showcategories = T)
#> #    Comments                                                        Category
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  added a time variable based on dist / speed                     none      
#> 2 :  filtered out dist variable                                      none      
#> 3 :  the dist values appear skewed                                   review

atodo() - add a new todo comment to the list of comments attached to an R object

Todo comments are designed to hold comments on additional tasks or actions to be performed on an R object. An individual todo comment can contain a maximum of 66 characters. If your todo comment needs to be longer, use the atodo function multiple times.

df <- atodo(df, 'determine if dist is normally distributed')

todos() - lists the todo comments attached to an R object

#> #    To Do                                                          
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 5 :  determine if dist is normally distributed

‘showcategories’ parameter

Todo comments appear in the output of notes(). You can use the showcategories parameter to identify which notes are todo notes

notes(df, showcategories = T)
#> #    Comments                                                        Category
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> 1 :  dataset of speed and stopping distances of cars                 none      
#> 2 :  from base package                                               none      
#> 3 :  rescaled speed to between 0 and 1                               none      
#> 4 :  rescaled distance to between 0 and 1                            none      
#> 5 :  determine if dist is normally distributed                       todo

dtodo() - delete a todo comment from the list of comments attached to an R object

You can selectively remove comments using the comment id

df <- dtodo(df,5,confirm = FALSE)
#> [1] "None"

mandpd/comments documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:57 p.m.