Man pages for mapn/DAbayes
Bayesian Statistical Model for Climate-Change Detection and Attribution

calc_prec_matrixCompute n by n covariance matrix W over n grid cells
computeWObtain quantities associated with W
DA_ADtheta_updateAdaptively adjust mean and covariance matrix in the proposal...
DAbayesDAbayes: Climate-Change Detection and Attribution Based on...
DAbayesSuiteParallel inference in Bayesian hierarchical model for...
DA_GIBBSGibbs sampling with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the...
DA_theta_MHUpdate parameters in the MCMC algorithm
ensemble_temperatureObserved or reconstructed temperatures (e.g., from CRU or...
GCM_control_runGCM control run without any external forcing
GCM_runsGCM runs under several forcing scenarios
lnnormpdfCompute the logarithm of the pdf of normal random variable...
parcomputeWObtain quantities associated with W
parDA_GIBBSGibbs sampling with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the...
parDA_loglikCompute the loglikelihood function for parallel computing
parDA_theta_MHUpdate parameters from the model in the MCMC algorithm
plotMCMCPlot results from posterior samples
simDAdataSimulate data to demonstrate the Bayesian statistical model
update_loglikCompute loglikelihood function in the model
update_varAdjust quantities in proposal distributions
mapn/DAbayes documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:26 a.m.