exasol.dplyr-package: Dplyr addon for the exasol R package

Description Author(s) References


This package adds dplyr compatibility to the EXASOL R package.

The EXASOL R Package offers interface functionality such as connecting to, querying and writing into an EXASOL Database (version 5 onwards). It is optimised for massively parallel reading & writing from and to a multinode cluster. Implemented are DBI compliant methods for database access, querying and modiifcation. The package integrates with EXASOL's InDB R UDF capabilities, which allows to deploy and execute R code dynamically from an R application running on a client.

EXASOL is an InMemory RDBMS that runs in a MPP cluster (shared-nothing) environment. Leading the TPC-H benckmark, it is considered the fastest analytical data warehouse available. The community edition can be downloaded for free on https://www.exasol.com/portal.


EXASOL AG & Community

Maintainer: Marcel Boldt <marcel.boldt@exasol.com>


  1. The development version of the package is available on https://github.com/EXASOL/r-exasol

  2. Bugs and improvements may be noted on https://github.com/EXASOL/r-exasol/issues

  3. Downloads & manuals related to the EXASOL Database are at https://www.exasol.com/portal

  4. Q & A: https://www.exasol.com/portal/questions

marcelboldt/r-exasol-dplyr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:27 a.m.