Man pages for marcianito/UmbrellaEffect
Gravity data reduction procedure (related to the shielding of its building)

ccf_eventsEvent-based calulation of correlation coefficients, lagtimes...
ccf_multieventMulti-event based ccf approach, including lagtimes and SNR
cclagEstimation of correlation coefficients and time lags of two...
cclag_eventsEvent-based calulation of correlation coefficients, lagtimes...
cclag_nosnrEstimation of correlation coefficients and time lags of two...
convert_gravity_responseConvert gravity data
filter_soildataFiltering raw soil moisture data
grid2d_difsCalculate delta values of 2 grids at different time steps
grid3d_difsCalculate delta values of 2 grids at different time steps
grid3d_difs_allTSCalculate delta values of 2 grids at different time steps
grid3d_difs_profileCalculate delta values of 2 grids at different time steps
grid3d_plotplot 3D grid
grid_aggregateaggregate data from hourly to daily (weekly, monthly)...
grid_statscompute grouped standard deviation, range, max from values...
grid_stats_2dcompute grouped standard deviation, range, max, mean from...
hydrus_demData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_etoData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_gwData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_lysidrainData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_lysidrain_benData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_precipData preparation for HYDRUS
hydrus_smData preparation for HYDRUS
ModOut_animatemake a sequence (movie) from model results
nodestoFIXgrid_2dInterpolate 2D nodes to regular, already FIXED grid
nodestogridInterpolate 3D nodes to regular grid
nodestogrid_1dInterpolate 1D nodes to regular grid
nodestogrid_2dInterpolate 2D nodes to regular grid
nodestogrid_2d_krigeInterpolate 2D nodes to regular grid, using kriging
nodestogrid_2dPPPARALLEL Interpolate 2D nodes to regular grid
nodestogridPPPARALLEL Interpolate 3D nodes to regular grid
obsNode_hydrusSelect time series of one modeled node
obsNodePlotPlot modeled nodes and observed soil moisture sensors
plot_hydrus1d_InOutputPlot timeseries input / output : Hydrus 1D
plot_ts_dataPlot multiply time series with one same basis
predict_umbrellaspaceestimate function for umbrella space
predict_umbrellaspace_2destimate function for umbrella space in 2D
read_2dgridRead Hydrus 2D grid coordinates
read_3dgridRead Hydrus 3D grid coordinates
read_hydrus1dRead Hydrus 1D output data
read_hydrus2dRead Hydrus 2D output data
read_hydrus2d_dataRead Hydrus 2D theta / head data
read_hydrus2d_rectRead Hydrus 2D output data (rectangular mesh)
read_hydrus3dRead Hydrus 3D output data
read_hydrus3d_dataRead Hydrus 3D theta / head data
read_hydrus3d_dataBDRead Hydrus 3D theta / head data version FOR BIG DATA
read_obsNode1dRead Hydrus 1D observation node data
read_obsNode2dRead Hydrus 2D observation node data
read_obsNode3dRead Hydrus 3D observation node data
reduce_gravityReduce observed gravity data
reduction_BdSizeReceive reduction factor based on the dimension of the SG...
reduction_hydScen_SGlocReceive reduction factor based on hydrological conditon and...
snr_filterSignal to noise filtering
snr_ratioSignal to noise ratio
snr_ratio_2TSSignal to noise ratio (inputing directly 2 time series (raw...
SoilMoisture_grid3dSoil moisture grid (3d)
timeshiftTime lag estimation via cross-correlation of two timeseries
umbrella_pointsestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for ALL...
umbrella_points2D_clusterestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for ALL...
umbrella_points_clusterestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for ALL...
umbrella_points_fixedYestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for FIXED...
umbrella_points_meanestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for ALL...
umbrella_points_sdestimate limiting points of umbrella space / curve for ALL...
marcianito/UmbrellaEffect documentation built on July 1, 2019, 8:30 p.m.