Man pages for marcianito/hygra
Processing of HydroGravimetry data

aggTSAggregate data.frame time series to other time periods
BdSizeCalculate the size of the SG building
building_foundationConstructs a grid of the SG buidling foundation
calc_facTopoCalculate topographic gravity factor
calculate_gravity_responseCalulate gravity response for 3d grids
construct_verticesConstruct vertices for SG building foundation
convert_demtodfConvert DEM to data.frame
correct_SGbuilding_foundationCorrect the gravity component grid for the SG building...
correct_SGpillarCorrect gravity component grid for the SG pillar
create_nestedGravityGridCreate a gravity component grid out of 3 spatially different...
create_singleGravityGridCreate a gravity component grid out of 3 spatially different...
decimalplacesCalculate number of decimal places in a number
DEM_to_grid3dSurface grid
dif_firstLastCalculate differences between last and first value of a...
distMatch data.frames via minimal distance of its (x,y)...
facTopo_from_gridCalculate topographic gravity factor
fill_gcompgridCalculate gravity component, WITHOUT umbrella effect
gravity_comp_gridGravity component grid
interpTSInterpolate missing time steps of data time series
normalizeNormalize data
normalize_meanNormalize data only sbutracting mean
plot_demPlot a DEM
plot_gcomp_gridPlot transect of gravity component grid
read_csvRead .csv files
read_dataRead input data files
read_demRead Digital Elevation Models
read_rDataRead .rData files
read_tsfRead .tsf files
remove_insideArearemoves all DEM points inside a certain area
remove_insideRadiusremoves all DEM points inside of a certain radius
remove_outsideRadiusremoves all DEM points outside of a certain radius
rmseRMSE of simulated and observed vectors
select_gMethod_EdgesChoose method for computing gravity component for a cell of a...
select_gMethod_regularChoose method for computing gravity component for a cell of a...
SoilMoisture_grid3dSoil moisture grid (3d)
surface_gridSurface grid
surface_to_grid3dInterpolate grid(df) to 3D grid
tif_to_asciitif_to_ascii: converts geoTiff fromat raster data into arc...
zootodfConvert zoo-object to data frame
marcianito/hygra documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 7:47 p.m.