Man pages for marcoblume/pinnacle.API
A Wrapper for the Pinnacle API

AcceptTermsAndConditionsAccept terms and conditions, only run once per session, must...
authorizationAuthorization for the Pinnacle API
CheckTermsAndConditionsPrompts User for Terms and Conditions, otherwise stops...
FixNamesFix up names to be shorter
GetAPIEndpointGets the current API endpoint
GetBetsListGet a list of running/settled bets
GetBettingStatusCheck the Pinnacle API's Betting Status
GetClientBalanceGet Client Balance
GetCurrenciesGet the list of supported Currencies
GetFixturesGet Non-Settled Events for a Given Sport
GetLeaguesGet Leagues for Sport(s) by name
GetLeaguesByIDGet Leagues for Sport(s) by ID
GetLineGet Lines (Use to get more detail on a single line, but the...
GetOddsGet Odds for Non-Settled Events in a Given Sport
GetParlayLineGet Parlay Lines for a Given Leg List
GetPasswordGet your Password
GetSettledFixturesGet Settled Fixtures
GetSettledSpecialFixturesGet Settled Special Fixtures
GetSpecialFixturesGet Special Fixtures
GetSpecialLineGet the Line for a Special Contestant
GetSpecialOddsGet Special Odds
GetSportsGet Sports
GetUsernameGet your Username
PlaceBetPlace Bet
PlaceSpecialBetPlace a Special Bet on a Given Contestant
SetAPIEndpointSets the API endpoint to use
SetCredentialsSet your user credentials
showOddsDFCombine Odds, Fixture, and In-Running Information into a...
marcoblume/pinnacle.API documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 4:05 a.m.