Man pages for marcuskhl/BasicSettings

as.dfshorter version of
as.dtshorter version of
column.rmThis function removes columns from a table pass in the df and...
dev.pkgsSeconday packages installer, used only by developers
df.c2fThis function converts the character columns into factor,...
df.class.extractThis function extracts only columns that are either numeric,...
df.col.selectThis function extracts only columns references that are... function changes multiple colnames of a df there is a...
dt.double_quote_fixWhen read in CSVs using fread, " usually being read in as "",...
f2cThis function converts factor column to char #' @param col...
f2nThis function converts factor column to numeric (usually... to the function above function is mainly for internal use so I wont export it...
fn.piperThis is a piper for functions
insensitive.joinThis performs case insensitive joins of the joins in dplyr...
packages.installerinstalls necessary packages
range_genThis function generates a range based on a column and a...
rbind.fill.DTThis function does an rbind.fill / smartbind on a list of...
read.dem.sheetsthis function is short line to read multiple sheets in a df
save.xlsxThis function saves multiple dfs into one workbook The sheet...
serial.joinerthis function join multiple dfs using dplyr
size_cat_genThis function generates size range
size.encoderSometimes when reading in < and >, it gets encoded...
source_httpsThis function sources scripts from git_hub
marcuskhl/BasicSettings documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:44 a.m.