
This R package was built in STAT545 at UBC, and is intended for teaching/learning purposes only


This R package can be installed from github:


Here's a short example

This can also be seen in the vignette, which I also haven't finished yet

#>[1] 4

#>[1] 729

#>[1] 0.5

#>[1] 2

For development

Not much to say here because this is a learning tool.

There is an internal function called pow that is the machinery for the sqaure function, and cube function.

The box-cox transformation functions do not use the internal function pow. Something else I wanted to look at was adding in a condition to make a dataframe in the input for response and t_params had lenghts greater than one; but I did not have time to do this.

margotgunning/powers documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:05 p.m.