
# require('qtbase')
# require('qtpaint')
# require('chromatoplots')
# require('commandr')
# require('xcms')
# require('plumbr')
# #options(warn=2)
# setwd('/home/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/R')
# #setwd('/Users/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/R')
# source('draw.r')
# # 1 image
# #source('gui.r')
# # dir of images
# #setwd('/home/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/R')
# #setwd('/Users/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/R')
# #source('draw.r')
# source('gui1.r')
# ######## using chromatoplots
# require('chromatoplots')
# require('commandr')
# require('xcms')
# require('qtbase')
# require('qtpaint')
# #setwd('/Users/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/data/treatment_0')
# setwd('/home/marie/Documents/chromatoplotsgui/data/raw/treatment_0')
# data1<-loadSample('IS01.CDF')
# # sets each matrix value to the max pt that is binned into it, 
# # 		linearly interpolating values of empty bin and
# #		populating the empty bin with base value
# raw_prof1 <- genProfile(data1) 
# #raw_prof1a <- genProfile(data1, step = diff(range(data1@env$mz))/100) # bin for y axis
# #df1 <- get_imaged(raw_prof1)
# cor_prof <- removeBaseline(raw_prof1, 'median', scanrad = 100 )
# #x <- get_baseplot(cor_prof, raw_prof1, mz = 221)
# #baseplot(cor_prof, raw_prof1, mz = 221, geom = 'l')
# test <- drawBaseRm(cor_prof = cor_prof, raw_prof1 = raw_prof1)
mariev/chromatoplotsgui documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:46 a.m.