#' Summarize Seascape grids into time series table
#' Summarize Seascape grids into a table having columns: `date`, `cellvalue` (ie
#' CLASS) and number of cells (`n_cells`).
#' This function is particularly helpful in between using `get_ss_grds()` and
#' `plot_ss_ts()`.
#' @param grds raster stack with more than one date, as returned by
#' \code{\link{get_ss_grds}}
#' @param ts_csv path to csv to save this time series table. Default is NULL, in
#' which case the table is not saved. If path is set and already exists then
#' that will be read in if all dates in the `grds` are present instead of
#' recalculating and writing to `ts_csv`.
#' @param verbose show messages of process. Useful for debugging. Default:
#' @return `tibble` of data
#' @import dplyr purrr stringr
#' @importFrom tabularaster as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom readr read_csv write_csv cols
#' @export
#' @concept analyze
#' @examples
#' ply <- get_url_ply("mbnms")
#' ss_i <- get_ss_info()
#' grds <- get_ss_grds(ss_i, ply, date_beg = "2020-01-01")
#' tbl <- sum_ss_grds_to_ts(grds)
#' tbl
sum_ss_grds_to_ts <- function(grds, ts_csv = NULL, verbose = F){
# devtools::load_all()
# ply <- get_url_ply("mbnms"); ss_i <- get_ss_info()
# grds <- get_ss_grds(ss_i, ply, date_beg = "2018-01-01",
# dir_tif = here::here("data_ss/mbnms_global_monthly"))
# ts_csv <- here::here("data_ss/mbnms_global_monthly_CLASS.csv")
# sum_ss_grds_to_ts(grds, here::here("data_ss/mbnms_global_monthly_CLASS.csv"), verbose = T)
grds_dates <- tibble(
date = names(grds) %>%
str_split("_") %>%
map(2) %>%
unlist() %>%
str_replace_all("[.]", "-") %>%
as.Date()) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "dimindex") %>%
dimindex = as.integer(dimindex))
if (!is.null(ts_csv)){
if (file.exists(ts_csv)){
if (verbose)
message("Reading ts_csv")
d <- readr::read_csv(ts_csv, col_types = cols())
grds_dates_match <- grds_dates$date %in% unique(d$date)
if (all(grds_dates_match)){
if (!all(unique(d$date) %in% grds_dates$date))
stop("WHOAH! Haven't handled this condition
that all dates in `grds` are found in `ts_csv`,
but not all dates in `ts_csv` are found in `grds`.
What does this mean?")
if (verbose)
message("All grds_dates found in ts_csv$date, so returning vs recalculating.")
} else {
if (verbose)
glue("Only {sum(grds_dates_match)} of {length(grds_dates_match)} grds_dates found in ts_csv$date, so recalculating."))
} else {
if (verbose)
glue("The file ts_csv {ts_csv} was not found, so calculating."))
if (verbose)
message("Converting raster stack to tibble, then summarizing by date, class.")
d <- tabularaster::as_tibble(grds) %>%
grds_dates, by = "dimindex") %>%
group_by(date, cellvalue) %>%
summarize(n_cells = n(), .groups = "drop")
if (!is.null(ts_csv)){
if (verbose)
message("Writing to ts_csv.")
readr::write_csv(d, ts_csv)
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