Man pages for marinereilly/salinitykayak
For use with Wrangling Salinity Data

add_gps_dataJoins the sf dataframe with the excel dataframe that has the...
helloHello, World!
load_gpxLoad the GPX files pulls GPX files from the waypoints folder
make_shapefileWrite new sf dataframe as a shapefile writes shapefile to the...
no_factorConverts the waypoint column from a factor to a number so you...
salinity_formatFormats the GPX and Excel data in a way that combines the...
salinity_wrangleWraps three lines of code into 1?
simplify_gpxTakes the GPX files and removes non essential columns
marinereilly/salinitykayak documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:36 a.m.