Man pages for marjoleinF/gamtree
GAM-based Recursive Partitioning

coef.gamtreeExtract coefficients from a GAM tree.
ecoExample dataset of light-response curves
fitted.gamm4Internal function for extracting fitted values from MOB-based...
fixef.gamtreeExtract fixed-effects coefficients from a GAM tree.
gamtreeRecursively partition a dataset based on penalized GAMs.
plot.gamtreePlotting method for GAM trees
plot.splinetreePlotting function for visualization of spline-based...
predict.gamm4Internal function for extracting predictions from MOB-based...
predict.gamtreeGet predictions from fitted GAM tree
predict.splinetreePredict method for spline-based (g)lmertrees.
print.gamtreePrint method for a fitted GAM tree
ranef.gamtreeExtract random-effects coefficients from a GAM tree.
setup.splineSet up splines bases for use with function (g)lmertree.
splinetreeFit a (g)lmertree using spline-based partitioning.
summary.gamtreeSummary method for a fitted GAM tree
VarCorr.gamtreeExtract random-effects covariance matrices from a GAM tree.
marjoleinF/gamtree documentation built on July 3, 2024, 9:18 a.m.