Man pages for markheckmann/circplot
Draw graphical elements in circular way

check_matrixCheck if x is a matrix and convert vectors to matrix
circ_boxplotDraw boxplot
circ_convertWorkhorse: original range to cartesian coords according to...
circ_densityDraw density plot
circ_funnelDraw funnel over range of points
circ_linesDraw lines
circ_parSet and query circplot settings
circ_par_initInitialize circplot parameters
circplot'circplot' draws several graphical elements in polar fashion
circ_plotSet up default plotting area
circ_pointsDraw points
circ_polygonDraw polygon
circ_quantilesCalculate quantiles from circular data.
circ_rectDraw rectangle
circ_textDraw text
draw_circleDraw a circle
ring_setSet active ring
ring_showShow one or all rings
text_rotPlot text rotated depending angle to x-axis
vec_angleAngle / radian between two vectors.
vec_anglesAngles / radian between two or more vectors.
markheckmann/circplot documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:06 p.m.