Man pages for markheckmann/dissertation
Functions used in dissertation

add_axes_labelsAdd labels to an axis at given positions
axes_label_offsetGenerate offset for axis labels in usr coords.
biplot_visualizeVisualization workhorse for biplots.
convex_hullDraw different types of convex hulls around a set of points
crit-densityDraw density contour plot using a cut-off value.
degree_to_radConversion from degrees to radians
dissertation-package'dissertation' contains functions used in Mark Heckmann's PhD...
get_2d_normal_vectorGet normal vector for given 2D vector.
get_crit_density_valueCalculate a critical denisty value from the 2D density...
get_plot_asp_ratioGet plot aspect ratio and 1mm in usr coordinates
harmonize_text_srtAdjust text srt (rotation) to get readable directions
mm_to_usrConvert mm to usr coordinates
norm_vecEuclidean vector norm
pointLabelLabel placement for points to avoid overlaps
rad_to_degreeConversion from radians to degrees
randomSentenceGenerate a random sentence with n words
randomSentencesGenerate n random sentences with a given or random number of...
randomWordsGenerate a random word
rotation_matrix_2dGenerate a 2D rotation matrix
rotation_matrix_3dGenerate a all rotation planes for 3D rotation matrix
scale_vec_length_to_mmScale length of vector to given mm
set_alpha_color_valueSet alpha value to color
trCalculate the trace of a matrix.
usr_to_mmConvert usr coordinates to mm
vec_angleAngle / radian between two vectors.
markheckmann/dissertation documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:06 p.m.