Man pages for marklhc/bootmlm
Bootstrap Resampling for Multilevel Models

bootmlmbootmlm: A package for bootstrap resampling with multilevel...
bootstrap_merRun Various Bootstrap for Mixed Models.
confint.bootBootstrap confidence intervals for Two-Level Mixed Models
devfun_merDeviance Function for Multilevel Models
empinf_merEmpirical Influence Values for Two-Level Mixed Models
prof_ci_iccProfile Likelihood Confidence Interval for Intraclass...
scores_merScore Functions and Case-wise Derivatives
solve_eigen_sqrtGet the square root of a matrix using eigenvalue...
vcov_thetaAsymptotic Covariance Matrix for Cholesky Factor of Random...
vcov_vcAsymptotic Covariance Matrix for Random Effects
marklhc/bootmlm documentation built on May 24, 2023, 9:59 a.m.