Man pages for markmfredrickson/RItools
Randomization Inference Tools

aggregateDesignsAggregate DesignOptions
alignDesignsByStrataAlign DesignOptions by Strata
balanceplotCreate a plot of the balance on variables across different...
balanceTestStandardized Differences for Stratified Comparisons
balanceTestEnginexBalance helper function
balanceTest.make.stratwtsbalanceTest helper function
CovsAlignedToADesign-classCovsAlignedToADesign S4 class
DesignOptions-classDesignOptions S4 class
designToDescriptivesGenerate Descriptives
DesignWeightsCreate stratum weights to be associated with a DesignOptions
effectOfTreatmentOnTreatedNumber of treatment clusters by stratum
flatten.xbalresultFlattens xBalance output.
formula.xbalReturns 'formula' attribute of an 'xbal' object.
gramian_reductionHelper function to slm_fit_csr
harmonicHarmonic mean
harmonic_times_mean_weightHarmonic mean times mean of weights
HB08Adjusted & combined differences as in Hansen & Bowers (2008)
HB08_2016Hansen & Bowers (2008) inferentials 2016 [81e3ecf] version
identify_NM_varsIdentify vars recording not-missing (NM) info
makeDesignsCreate a DesignOptions object from a formula and some data
makePvalGet p-value for Z-stats
model_matrixModel matrices along with compact encodings of data...
ModelMatrixPlus-classModelMatrixPlus S4 class
naImputeImpute NA's
nuclearplantsNuclear Power Station Construction Data
original_units_var_formatterFormatting suitable for stat expressed in units specific to...
plot.balancetestPlot of balance across multiple strata
plot.xbalPlot of balance across multiple strata
print.xbalPrinting xBalance and balanceTest Objects
scale.DesignOptionsScale DesignOptions, made tolerant to faults that recur in...
SparseM_solveHelper function to slm_fit_csr
sparseToVecConvert Matrix to vector
StratumWeightedDesignOptions-classStratum Weighted DesignOptions
subset.xbalSelect variables, strata, and statistics from a 'xbal' or...
tidy.xbal'broom::tidy()'/'glance()' methods for 'balanceTest()'...
withOptionsSafe way to temporarily override options()
xBalanceStandardized Differences for Stratified Comparisons
xBalance.find.goodstratsxBalance helper function
xBalance.makepooledsdxBalance helper function
xtable.xbalAn 'xtable' method for 'xbal' and 'balancetest' objects
ym_longASSIST Trial Data from Yudkin and Moher 2001
ym_shortASSIST Trial Data from Yudkin and Moher 2001
markmfredrickson/RItools documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 6:16 p.m.