Man pages for markmfredrickson/optmatch
Functions for Optimal Matching

antiExactMatchSpecify a matching problem where units in a common factor...
as.InfinitySparseMatrixConvert an object to InfinitySparseMatrix
as.list.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrixSplits a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix into a list of...
BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix-classBlocked Infinity Sparse Matrix
caliper-methodsPrepare matching distances suitable for matching within...
caliperSize(Internal) Determines how many other units fall within a...
caliperUpperBound(Internal) Returns a reasonable upper bound on the arcs...
cbindrbindCombine InfinitySparseMatrices or...
compare_optmatchCompares the equality of optmatch objects, ignoring...
c.optmatchCombine Optmatch objects
dbindDiagonally bind together subgroup-specific distances
dimnames-InfinitySparseMatrixGet and set dimnames for InfinitySparseMatrix objects
distUnionCombine multiple distance specifications into a single...
edgelistCreate EdgeList object
effectiveSampleSizeCompute the effective sample size of a match.
evaluate_primalCompute value of primal problem given flows and arc costs
exactMatchGenerate an exact matching set of subproblems.
fill.NAsCreate missingness indicator variables and non-informatively...
findSubproblemsList subproblems of a distance
fmla2treatedblocking(Internal) A helper function to turn formulas into treatment...
fullmatchOptimal full matching
getMaxProblemSizeWhat is the maximum allowed problem size?
hash_dist(Internal) Hashing functions for various distance objects #
InfinitySparseMatrix-classObjects for sparse matching problems.
ismBinaryOpsElement-wise addition
ism.subsetSubsetting for InfinitySparseMatrices
LEMON(Internal) Helper function for accessing algorithms in LEMON...
makeOptmatch(Internal) Create 'optmatch' objects, the result of matching.
matchedIdentification of units placed into matched sets
matched.distancesDetermine distances between matched units
match_on-methodsCreate treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on_szn_scalepooled dispersion for a numeric variable
maxCaliperFind the maximum caliper width that will create a feasible...
mcf_c_fnsCombine objects
mdist(Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching...
minExactMatchFind the minimal exact match factors that will be feasible...
minmaxctlcapSet thinning and thickening caps for full matching
missing_x_msg(Internal) If the x argument does not exist for match_on,...
model.frame.svyglmThis method quells a warning when 'optmatch::scores()' is...
nuclearplantsNuclear Power Station Construction Data
num_eligible_matches-methodsReturns the number of eligible matches for the distance.
optmatchOptmatch Class
optmatch-defunctFunctions deprecated or removed from optmatch
optmatch_same_distanceChecks if two distances are equivalent. 'x' and 'y' can be...
pairmatchOptimal 1:1 and 1:k matching
plantdistDissimilarities of Some U.S. Nuclear Plants
predict.CBPS(Internal) Predict for CBPS objects
print.optmatchPrinting 'optmatch' objects.
revise_ArcInfo_nodelabelsReset implicit node labels of an ArcInfo object
scoreCaliper(Internal) Helper function to create an InfinitySparseMatrix...
scoresExtract scores (propensity, prognostic,...) from a fitted...
setFeasibilityConstants(Internal) Sets up the default values for maximum feasible...
setMaxProblemSizeSet the maximum problem size
setTryRecovery(Internal) Sets up option to try recovery in 'fullmatch'.
show-BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix-methodDisplays a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix
show-InfinitySparseMatrix-methodDisplays an InfinitySparseMatrix
sort.ismSort the internal structure of an InfinitySparseMatrix.
standardization_scalepooled dispersion for a numeric variable
strataIdentify Stratafication Variables
stratumStructureReturn structure of matched sets
subdim-methodsReturns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subproblemSuccess(Internal) Report successful subproblems.
summary.ismSummarize a distance matrix
update.optmatchPerforms an update on an 'optmatch' object.
validDistanceSpecification(Internal) Validate that objects are valid distance...
markmfredrickson/optmatch documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 7:08 a.m.