
# Mostly a ripoff of stats::termplot, but returns more useful data.
# Doesn't work yet. 
# termplot2 <- function (model, data = NULL, envir = environment(formula(model)), 
#           partial.resid = FALSE, rug = FALSE, terms = NULL, se = FALSE, 
#           xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, main = NULL, col.term = 2, lwd.term = 1.5, 
#           col.se = "orange", lty.se = 2, lwd.se = 1, col.res = "gray", 
#           cex = 1, pch = par("pch"), col.smth = "darkred", lty.smth = 2, 
#           span.smth = 2/3, ask = dev.interactive() && nb.fig < n.tms, 
#           use.factor.levels = TRUE, smooth = NULL, ylim = "common", 
#           plot = TRUE, transform.x = FALSE, ...) 
# {
#   which.terms <- terms
#   terms <- if (is.null(terms)) 
#     predict(model, type = "terms", se.fit = se)
#   else predict(model, type = "terms", se.fit = se, terms = terms)
#   n.tms <- ncol(tms <- as.matrix(if (se) 
#     terms$fit
#     else terms))
#   transform.x <- rep_len(transform.x, n.tms)
#   mf <- model.frame(model)
#   if (is.null(data)) 
#     data <- eval(model$call$data, envir)
#   if (is.null(data)) 
#     data <- mf
#   use.rows <- if (NROW(tms) < NROW(data)) 
#     match(rownames(tms), rownames(data))
#   nmt <- colnames(tms)
#   if (any(grepl(":", nmt, fixed = TRUE))) 
#     warning("'model' appears to involve interactions: see the help page", 
#             domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
#   cn <- parse(text = nmt, keep.source = FALSE)
#   if (!is.null(smooth)) 
#     smooth <- match.fun(smooth)
#   if (is.null(ylabs)) 
#     ylabs <- paste("Partial for", nmt)
#   if (is.null(main)) 
#     main <- ""
#   else if (is.logical(main)) 
#     main <- if (main) 
#       deparse(model$call, 500)
#   else ""
#   else if (!is.character(main)) 
#     stop("'main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).")
#   main <- rep_len(main, n.tms)
#   pf <- envir
#   carrier <- function(term, transform) {
#     if (length(term) > 1L) {
#       if (transform) 
#         tms[, i]
#       else carrier(term[[2L]], transform)
#     }
#     else eval(term, data, enclos = pf)
#   }
#   carrier.name <- function(term) {
#     if (length(term) > 1L) 
#       carrier.name(term[[2L]])
#     else as.character(term)
#   }
#   in.mf <- nmt %in% names(mf)
#   is.fac <- sapply(nmt, function(i) i %in% names(mf) && is.factor(mf[, 
#                                                                      i]))
#   if (!plot) {
#     outlist <- vector("list", sum(in.mf))
#     for (i in 1L:n.tms) {
#       if (!in.mf[i]) 
#         next
#       if (is.fac[i]) {
#         xx <- mf[, nmt[i]]
#         if (!is.null(use.rows)) 
#           xx <- xx[use.rows]
#         ww <- match(levels(xx), xx, nomatch = 0L)
#       }
#       else {
#         xx <- carrier(cn[[i]], transform.x[i])
#         if (!is.null(use.rows)) 
#           xx <- xx[use.rows]
#         ww <- match(sort(unique(xx)), xx)
#       }
#       outlist[[i]] <- if (se) 
#         data.frame(x = xx[ww], y = tms[ww, i], se = terms$se.fit[ww, 
#                                                                  i], row.names = NULL)
#       else data.frame(x = xx[ww], y = tms[ww, i], row.names = NULL)
#     }
#     attr(outlist, "constant") <- attr(terms, "constant")
#     if (se && is.null(attr(outlist, "constant"))) 
#       attr(outlist, "constant") <- attr(terms$fit, "constant")
#     names(outlist) <- sapply(cn, carrier.name)[in.mf]
#     return(outlist)
#   }
#   if (!is.null(smooth)) 
#     smooth <- match.fun(smooth)
#   if (is.null(ylabs)) 
#     ylabs <- paste("Partial for", nmt)
#   if (is.null(main)) 
#     main <- ""
#   else if (is.logical(main)) 
#     main <- if (main) 
#       deparse(model$call, 500)
#   else ""
#   else if (!is.character(main)) 
#     stop("'main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).")
#   main <- rep_len(main, n.tms)
#   if (is.null(xlabs)) {
#     xlabs <- unlist(lapply(cn, carrier.name))
#     if (any(transform.x)) 
#       xlabs <- ifelse(transform.x, lapply(cn, deparse), 
#                       xlabs)
#   }
#   if (partial.resid || !is.null(smooth)) {
#     pres <- residuals(model, "partial")
#     if (!is.null(which.terms)) 
#       pres <- pres[, which.terms, drop = FALSE]
#   }
#   se.lines <- function(x, iy, i, ff = 2) {
#     tt <- ff * terms$se.fit[iy, i]
#     lines(x, tms[iy, i] + tt, lty = lty.se, lwd = lwd.se, 
#           col = col.se)
#     lines(x, tms[iy, i] - tt, lty = lty.se, lwd = lwd.se, 
#           col = col.se)
#   }
#   nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol"))
#   if (ask) {
#     oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
#     on.exit(devAskNewPage(oask))
#   }
#   ylims <- ylim
#   if (identical(ylims, "common")) {
#     ylims <- if (!se) 
#       range(tms, na.rm = TRUE)
#     else range(tms + 1.05 * 2 * terms$se.fit, tms - 1.05 * 
#                  2 * terms$se.fit, na.rm = TRUE)
#     if (partial.resid) 
#       ylims <- range(ylims, pres, na.rm = TRUE)
#     if (rug) 
#       ylims[1L] <- ylims[1L] - 0.07 * diff(ylims)
#   }
#   for (i in 1L:n.tms) {
#     if (identical(ylim, "free")) {
#       ylims <- range(tms[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
#       if (se) 
#         ylims <- range(ylims, tms[, i] + 1.05 * 2 * terms$se.fit[, 
#                                                                  i], tms[, i] - 1.05 * 2 * terms$se.fit[, i], 
#                        na.rm = TRUE)
#       if (partial.resid) 
#         ylims <- range(ylims, pres[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
#       if (rug) 
#         ylims[1L] <- ylims[1L] - 0.07 * diff(ylims)
#     }
#     if (!in.mf[i]) 
#       next
#     if (is.fac[i]) {
#       ff <- mf[, nmt[i]]
#       if (!is.null(model$na.action)) 
#         ff <- naresid(model$na.action, ff)
#       ll <- levels(ff)
#       xlims <- range(seq_along(ll)) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
#       xx <- as.numeric(ff)
#       if (rug) {
#         xlims[1L] <- xlims[1L] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
#         xlims[2L] <- xlims[2L] + 0.03 * diff(xlims)
#       }
#       plot(1, 0, type = "n", xlab = xlabs[i], ylab = ylabs[i], 
#            xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", 
#            ...)
#       if (use.factor.levels) 
#         axis(1, at = seq_along(ll), labels = ll, ...)
#       else axis(1)
#       for (j in seq_along(ll)) {
#         ww <- which(ff == ll[j])[c(1, 1)]
#         jf <- j + c(-0.4, 0.4)
#         lines(jf, tms[ww, i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term, 
#               ...)
#         if (se) 
#           se.lines(jf, iy = ww, i = i)
#       }
#     }
#     else {
#       xx <- carrier(cn[[i]], transform.x[i])
#       if (!is.null(use.rows)) 
#         xx <- xx[use.rows]
#       xlims <- range(xx, na.rm = TRUE)
#       if (rug) 
#         xlims[1L] <- xlims[1L] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
#       oo <- order(xx)
#       plot(xx[oo], tms[oo, i], type = "l", xlab = xlabs[i], 
#            ylab = ylabs[i], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, 
#            main = main[i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term, 
#            ...)
#       if (se) 
#         se.lines(xx[oo], iy = oo, i = i)
#     }
#     if (partial.resid) {
#       if (!is.fac[i] && !is.null(smooth)) {
#         smooth(xx, pres[, i], lty = lty.smth, cex = cex, 
#                pch = pch, col = col.res, col.smooth = col.smth, 
#                span = span.smth)
#       }
#       else points(xx, pres[, i], cex = cex, pch = pch, 
#                   col = col.res)
#     }
#     if (rug) {
#       n <- length(xx)
#       lines(rep.int(jitter(xx), rep.int(3, n)), rep.int(ylims[1L] + 
#                                                           c(0, 0.05, NA) * diff(ylims), n))
#       if (partial.resid) 
#         xpart <- rep.int(xlims[1L] + c(0, 0.05, NA) * diff(xlims), n)
#         ypart <- rep.int(pres[, i], rep.int(3, n)) 
#         lines(xpart, ypart)
#     }
#   }
#   invisible(n.tms)
# }
markwh/markstats documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:26 p.m.