Man pages for martigso/stortingAlpha

AllVotesData on votes in the Norwegian Storting from 1900 to 1940
collapse.textConstruct text document on single page text files
interpAllData on parliamentary interpellations from 1996-2015 from the...
mend.textMend full Storting text file before making vote data frame
norStopWordsList of Norwegian stopwords
order.filesChange file names on text files
parl.questionsScrap data on questions in the Storting
questAllData on parliamentary questions from 1996-2015 from the...
votedfReturn a data frame of vote types based on text file
writtenAllData on parliamentary written questions from 1996-2015 from...
martigso/stortingAlpha documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:37 p.m.