Man pages for martijnvanattekum/cleanse
Tidyverse functions for SummarizedExperiment

arrange.SummarizedExperimentArrange by variables
dot-SummarizedExperimentSubtract two SummarizedExperiments
drop_metadataRemoves non-informative metadata
filter.SummarizedExperimentReturns rows or cols of se with matching conditions
get_col_dataGets column data from an se as a tibble
get_row_dataGets row data from an se as a tibble
mutate.SummarizedExperimentCreate or transform variables
options_from_coldataGets available options for a particular column of the coldata...
pipePipe operator
plus-.SummarizedExperimentAdd two SummarizedExperiments
print_optionsPrints available options for the se
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rename.SummarizedExperimentRename variables by name for rowData or colData
round.SummarizedExperimentRound the values of a SummarizedExperiments
select.SummarizedExperimentSelect variables by name for rowData or colData
seq_seExample sequencing SummarizedExperiment
set_col_dataSets column data from an se
set_row_dataSets row data from an se
slash-.SummarizedExperimentDivide two SummarizedExperiments
slice_sample.SummarizedExperimentRandomly selects rows or columns
slice.SummarizedExperimentChoose rows by position
times-.SummarizedExperimentMultiply two SummarizedExperiments
write_csvWrite a se to csv format
write_delimWrite a se to delim format
write_tsvWrite a se to tsv format
martijnvanattekum/cleanse documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 8:28 p.m.