ExtractMessages: Extract message timestamps data from .asc files

View source: R/ExtractMessages.R

ExtractMessagesR Documentation

Extract message timestamps data from .asc files


This function reads in data from .asc files and returns the timestamps for when the message(s) occured. It can extract an arbitrary number of flags per file.


ExtractMessages(data_list = NULL, maxtrial = 9999, message_name = "MSG")



Input of data files to be processed. This can be specified in three ways:

  1. a directory that contains all the files (it will select all files ending with ".asc", and order them by participant number, if present).

  2. Directory to a txt file that contains all the .asc data file names inside: e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/data_list.txt". In the .txt file, the directory for each .asc data file should appear on a separate row, e.g.: C:/My Data/subject1.asc /n C:/My Data/subject2.asc

  3. A directory to a single .asc file: e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/subject1.asc".


Maximum number of trials in the experiment (default= 9999)


Name of the message flag in the data which needs to be extracted. If only one message needs to be extracted, provide it as a string (e.g., message_name= "DISPLAY CHANGE STARTED"). If there is more than one message, provide it as a vector of strings (e.g., message_name= c('DISPLAY CHANGE STARTED', 'DISPLAY CHANGE COMPLETED')).


Martin R. Vasilev

martin-vasilev/EMreading documentation built on Jan. 21, 2025, 1:36 a.m.