robsurvey: robsurvey: Robust survey statistics.

Description robsurvey functions References


The package robsurvey is a collection of functions for robust survey statistics.

robsurvey functions

robust Horvitz-Thompson M-estimator of mean and total in svymean_huber() and svytotal_huber(), robust trimmed Horvitz-Thompson estimator of mean and total in svymean_trimmed() and svytotal_trimmed(), robust winsorized Horvitz-Thompson estimator of mean and total in svymean_winsorized() and svytotal_winsorized(), weighted median estimator in weighted_median(), weighted quantile estimator in weighted_quantile(), weighted median absolute deviation in weighted_mad(), weighted mean and total estimators in weighted_mean() and weighted_total().


Hulliger, B. (1995). Outlier Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimators. Survey Methodology, 21, 79 - 87.

Hulliger, B. (2011). Main Results of the AMELI Simulation Study on Advanced Methods for Laeken Indicators. In Proceedings of NTTS2011, Brussels.

martinSter/robsurvey documentation built on Oct. 11, 2019, 4:45 p.m.