Man pages for martinchevalier/gustave
A User-Oriented Statistical Toolkit for Analytical Variance Estimation

add_zeroExpand a matrix or a data.frame with zeros based on rownames...
define_statistic_wrapperDefine a statistic wrapper
define_variance_wrapperDefine a variance estimation wrapper
ict_popSampling frame of the Information and communication...
ict_sampleSample of the Information and communication technologies...
ict_surveySurvey data of the Information and communication technologies...
lfs_samp_areaSample of areas in the Labour force survey
lfs_samp_dwelSample of dwellings in the Labour force survey
lfs_samp_indSample of individuals in the Labour force survey
qvarQuickly perform a variance estimation in common cases
res_calLinear Regression Residuals Calculation
standard_statistic_wrapperStandard statistic wrappers
sum_byEfficient by-group (weighted) summation
varDTVariance approximation with Deville-Tillé (2005) formula
var_poisVariance estimator for a Poisson sampling design
varSYGSen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator
martinchevalier/gustave documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:56 p.m.