RSQLS package

Package for fast interactive work with SQL Server

RSQLS - Package for fast interactive work with SQL Server

Usage is: pulling data from SQL Server pushing data into SQL Server retrieving basic info about SQL table retrieving basic info about SQL database * allows user to create table, drop table, delere rows in table or create new table on SQL Server

Getting Started

Install package directly from github:


Install package from folder content: * download zip file RSQLS -> Clone or download -> Download ZIP

?RSQLS # for basic Help


Basic functions - description

push_data Pushing data into SQL Server. Table on SQL Server is automatically created if doesn't exist. * Data types are automatically estimated (functionality is able to recognize scientific format and convert to appropriate sql data type - int, float, decimal, ... It is also able to distinguish date, datetime format and datetime in ISO format).

push_data(connString, df, sqltabname, append = TRUE, showprogress = FALSE, quotes = "auto", separator = '|')
# If append == TRUE then appending new rows into existing SQL table. If append == FALSE then deletes rows in existing SQL table and appends new records.
# Additional parameters such as quotes ("auto", TRUE or FALSE) and separator (e.g. '|', '~', ',') can be defined before StreamReader reads csv generated by data.table::fwrite method.

pull_data * Pulling data from SQL Server.

pull_data(connString, sqltask, showprogress = FALSE)
dpull_data(connString, sqltask, showprogress = FALSE) # pulling data from SQL Server directly into flat file via StreamReader class

send_SQL_task * Allows user to create table, drop table, delere rows in table or create new table on SQL Server.

send_SQL_task(connectionString, sqltask)

get_DB_info Retrieving basic info about SQL database. Be sure you have a permissions for access to sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats: check it with SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats*. If not, contact your SQL Server admin.


get_table_info * Retrieving basic info about SQL table.

get_table_info(connectionString, sqltabname)


push_data(connectionString, dataFrame, "dbo.TableName")
pull_data(connectionString, "SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName")
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "CREATE TABLE dbo.TableName (ID int not null, Name varchar(100))")
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "DELETE FROM dbo.TableName WHERE ColumnName = 'SomeValue'")
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "DROP TABLE dbo.TableName")
get_table_info(connectionString, "dbo.tableName")
# set_connString(datasource, database, usr, pwd)
# If username and password missing or empty Integrated Security=True is used in connection string instead.
connectionString <- set_connString(datasource = "LAPTOP-USER\\SQLEXPRESS", database = "Database_Name")
# Connection string with username and password:
connectionString <- set_connString(datasource = "LAPTOP-USER\\SQLEXPRESS", database = "Database_Name", usr = "username", pwd = "password")

All connections are closed automatically.

Performance testing

Tested on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500 CPU, 2.70GHz 2.90GHz, 12GB RAM, x64 Operating System Windows, SQL Server 2014 Express.

| Rows | Columns | DBI::dbWriteTable | RSQLS::push_data | RODBC::sqlSave | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1,000,000 | 6 | 16.42 | 15.94 | 319.10 | | 5,000,000 | 6 | 78.69 | 66.23 | 1728.53 | | 10,000,000 | 6 | 155.50 | 126.73 | NA | | 50,000,000 | 6 | 901.39 | 711.55 | NA | | 1,000,000 | 21 | 27.03 | 49.81 | NA | | 5,000,000 | 21 | 143.25 | 223.25 | NA | | 10,000,000 | 21 | 262.83 | 415.94 | NA |

DBI::dbWriteTable and RODBC::sqlSave incorrectly classified scientific notation (1e5, 1.45e2, ...) as varchar type. The same situation with datetime in ISO format was classified as varchar in both cases. RSQLS::push_data correctly classified scientific notation as int or float and datetime in ISO format is correctly datetime data type.

Source code for benchmark is available at link

Approximately the same like DBI::dbFetch and many time faster than RODBC::sqlQuery



This project is licensed under the GPL-2 | GPL-3.

martinkabe/RSQLS_package documentation built on June 19, 2020, 2:19 p.m.