antibiotic: Antibiotic data

antibioticR Documentation

Antibiotic data


This data set contains information about 15 variables measured during an on-farm pharmaco-epidemiological survey of 246 turkey broiler flocks from 131 farms (N = 122 after removing farms with missing values). The survey was carried out to assess the homogeneity of antimicrobial use between flocks on the same farm and to explore the possible relationships between farm and farmer characteristics and the level of antimicrobial (i.e antibiotics) use.




A data frame with 122 row (agricultural explotation) and 15 columns (variables).

  • Atb.conso (Ordinal): Antibiotic consumption (low / medium / high)

  • Duration (Numeric): Rearing time (in days)

  • Age (Numeric): Average age at slaughter of turkeys (in days)

  • Loss (Numeric): Percentage of turkeys that died during rearing

  • Atb.Sys (Nominal): Systematic use of antibiotics (yes/no)

  • (Nominal): Systematic analysis of chicks (salmo, Coli) (yes/rarely-no)

  • Autops (Nominal): Autopsy during rearing (yes/no)

  • Vac (Nominal): change of vaccination plan during the year (yes/no)

  • (Nominal): Purchase of drugs from the cooperative(yes/no)

  • Who.atb (Nominal): Who decides on antibiotic treatment? (farmer/veterinarian)

  • Proced.pb (Nominal): What to do in case of problems (farmer/technician/lab/other)

  • Duration.san (Nominal): Duration of sanitary vacuum (<3 weeks/> 3 weeks)

  • Delivery.atb (Nominal): System for administering antibiotics in drinking water (tank, pump)

  • Alim.atb (Nominal): Medicated feeding for curative purposes (yes/no)

  • Agri.area (Ordinal): Useful agricultural area of the farm (<30ha / 30=<<50ha / >=50ha )


Chauvin, C., Bouvarel, I., Beloil, P. A., Orand, J. P., Guillemot, D., & Sanders, P. (2005). A pharmaco-epidemiological analysis of factors associated with antimicrobial consumption level in turkey broiler flocks. Veterinary research, 36(2), 199-211.


#Charging the data
#Construction of the "nature" argument for this dataset
nature <- rep(NA,ncol(antibiotic)) #Setting nature argument
nature[c(2,3,4)] <- "num"
nature[c(1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)] <- "nom"
nature[c(1,15)] <- "ord"

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