Man pages for maryclare/feasRDS
Software Tools for that extracts network features
constraintsDefines a function that evaluates the non-constant part of a...
feasRDS.rdssamplePerform Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) that takes object produced by feasRDS.rdssample and...
get.dataFunction that takes data for one MSA and returns degree...
get.sesFunction to get standard errors for parameters estimated by...
loglikReturns the log likelihood at the provided parameter and data...
log.lik.const.1Log Likelihood Function with Constraints Embedded
log.lik.const.2Log Likelihood Function with Constraints Embedded
log.lik.const.3Log-likelihood function with constraints embedded
reedmPerforms Reed-Molloy algorithm to initialize degrees
maryclare/feasRDS documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:19 p.m.