powCD: Coordinate descent for penalized regression with power...

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powCDR Documentation

Coordinate descent for penalized regression with power penalty


Gives the value of of the length p vector β that minimizes:

||y - Xβ||^2_2/(2σ^2) + λ ||β||^q_q

for fixed y, X, σ^2 > 0, λ > 0 and q > 0.

This corresponds to finding the posterior mode for beta given X, y, σ^2, λ and q under the model:

y = Xβ + σ Z

p(β_i) = qλ^(1/q) exp(-λ|β_i|^q)/(2 Γ(1/q)),

where elements of Z are independent, standard normal random variates.

This distribution for elements of β is a generalized normal distribution for β with scale α = λ^{-1/q} and shape β = q (Box and Tiao, 1973).

For q ≤ 1, uses coordinate descent algorithm given in Marjanovic and Solo (2014), modified to accomodate X that do not have standardized columns.


powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = 1,
      q = 1, max.iter = 10000,
      print.iter = FALSE,
      tol = 10^(-7), ridge.eps = 0,
      rand.restart = 0)



design matrix


response vector


scalar value σ^2


scalar value λ


scalar value q


maximum number of iterations for coordinate descent


logical value indicating whether iteration count for coordinate descent should be printed


scalar tolerance value for assessing convergence of objective function


ridge regression tuning parameter for obtaining starting value of β in coordinate descent, defult is zero


number of times coordinate descent should be repeated from random starting value for β after an initial application of coordinate descent starting from ridge solution, needed when X is not orthogonal because the coordinate descent algorithm is not guaranteed to converge to the global optimum for all non-orthogonal X when q ≤ 1


starting value, set to null by default


TRUE/FALSE value indicating whether or not objectives at convergence and # of coordinate descent iterations should be returned


Vector indicating order of variables in coordinate descent, defaults to 1:p


Returns a vector of optimal values for β. If the coordinate descent algorithm does not meet the optimality conditions given in Marjanovic and Solo (2014), a vector of NA's is returned.

Note that a non-NA solution for β for any value of q guarantees the global minimum has been attained when X is full rank and orthogonal. Otherwise, when q ≤ 1 the solution will only correspond to a global minimum when the conditions on X given in Marjanovic and Solo (2014) are satisfied.


For q≤ 1, uses coordinate descent algorithm given by Marjanovic and Solo (2014), modified to accomodate X that do not have standardized columns.

Box, G. E. P., and G. C. Tiao. "Bayesian inference in statistical inference." Adison-Wesley, Reading, Mass (1973).

Marjanovic, Goran, and Victor Solo. "l_q Sparsity Penalized Linear Regression With Cyclic Descent." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62.6 (2014): 1464-1475.

maryclare/powopt documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 6:05 p.m.