
This vignette shows how to use various functions incorporated into the BuildRPackagesCoursera package by explaining their internal workings as well as providing some examples of using them.

This package provides the following five(5) FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) functions:

  1. fars_read(filename) : reads data from a csv (Comma Separated Value) file. This functions reads a flat file (text file encoded in ASCII) in the current working directory and returns it as an object of the "tbl_df" class. If the file does not exist in the current directory, this function stops execution with an error message. The progress while the file is being read is not displayed. Similarly, messages are also suppressed. It is an internal (supporting) function used by other functions in this package.
    The file to be read, passed as a character string parameter (filename), must exist in the current working directory. CSV file can also be compressed as allowed by the readr package's read_csv() function. If the file does not exist in the current working directory, this function stops execution with an error message: "file <filename> does not exist".
    It returns an object of class "tbl_df" (table dataframe) from the dplyr package. This function imports the following functions:
    • read_csv() from the readr package, and
    • tbl_df() from the dply package.
BuildingRPackagesCoursera:::fars_read("accident_2014.csv.bz2") # file exists in current working directory

The function call BuildingRPackagesCoursera:::fars_read('abc123xyz.csv') will produce the Error:
File 'abc123xyz.csv' does not exist.

  1. make_filename(year) : generates the filename of the csv file to be read. This function uses the year, input parameter, to generate the file name for the FARS data file. It converts the year into an integer and then uses the sprintf() function to format the filename by prefixing "accident_" to the year and siffixing ".csv.bz2".
    No other input validation is performed. It requires no other packages to be imported.
    Its parameter year must be an integer, or a value coercible to an integer. If not coercible, then an invalid filename will be generated containing "NA" as the year in the file name -- accident_NA.csv.bz2 -- which would, in all likelihood, not exist in the FARS database.
    It returns a character string representing the filename.

  1. fars_read_years(years) : reads FARS Data for Multiple Years.
    This function takes a vector of years as its only parameter, reads the FARS files for those years and returns the MONTH and year columns as a list. This function processes each element of a vector or list of years as follows:

    • calls the supporting function make_filename() to generate a filename with the year,
    • calls the supporting function, fars_read() to read the FARS data file with the generated filename,
    • if the file exists, creates a new column, year, selects the MONTH and year columns, and adds them to an R list.
    • If the file does not exit, gives a warning message, and adds nothing (NULL) to the list.
    • Finally, it returns the R list to the calling function.

    This function imports the following functions from the dplyr package: - mutate() and select()

BuildingRPackagesCoursera:::fars_read_years(c(2013, 2014, 2015))
# BuildingRPackagesCoursera:::fars_read_years(2013:2015) #same as above
# BuildingRPackagesCoursera:::fars_read_years(list(2013, 2014, 2015)) #same as above

  1. fars_summarize_years(years) : summarizes FARS data for multiple years into columns.
    This function produces a "tidy" data frame of FARS data for multiple years. Data is summarized by each month of each year with each year in its own column.
    This function processes each element of a vector or list of years as follows:

    • calls the supporting function, \code{fars_read_years()}, to generate a list of MONTH and year,
    • calls the bind_rows() function from the dplyr package to merge the list elements (MONTH and year) into a single dataframe,
    • calls the group_by() function from the dplyr package on the dataframe to group them by year and MONTH,
    • calls the summarize() function from the dplyr package on the grouped data to count the number of occurrences of fatalities for each month within each year, and finally
    • calls the spread() function from the tidyr package on the summarized data to create a column for each year.
    • Returns the tidy dataframe comprising of years (provided as the input parameter) as columns with the fatalities summarized by each month.

    This function imports the following functions from other packages: - bind_rows(), group_by() and summarize() from the dplyr package, and
    - spread() from the tidyr package.

Please note that NO error handling is performed in this function.

BuildingRPackagesCoursera::fars_summarize_years(c(2013, 2014, 2015))
# BuildingRPackagesCoursera::fars_summarize_years(2013:2015) #same as above
# BuildingRPackagesCoursera::fars_summarize_years(list(2013, 2014, 2015)) #same as above

  1. fars_map_state(state.num, year) : plots a map of fatalities in a State for a year.
    This function creates a map of fatalities in a US State during a year as reported in the FARS database.
    It takes the state number (as coded in the maps package) and a year as inputs and performs the following operations on them:

    • calls the supporting function, make_filename(), with the year, to generate a list of MONTH and year,
    • calls the supporting function, fars_read(), to read the FARS data file with the generated filename,
    • If the state number (provided as the input parameter) is NOT found in the FARS data file read, stops the execution with a message, "invalid STATE number: xxx".
    • For a valid STATE number:
      • calls the \code{filter()} function from the dplyr package to extract the data for the STATE number provided,
      • If no data exists for the state number, prints the message, "no accidents to plot" and returns NULL.
      • Otherwise:
        • sets the invalid data for longitude (values greater than 900) and latitude (values greater than 90), if any, to NA, and
        • with the cleaned, mappable data:
          • calls the map() function of the maps package to draw the map of the State, and
          • calls the points() function of the base graphics package to draw points on the longitude, latitude coordinates as documented in the FARS dataset for that year in that State.

    This function imports the following functions from other packages:
    - filter() from the dplyr package, and
    - map() from the maps package.

# Fatalities map for State #1 (Alabama) during the year 2014
BuildingRPackagesCoursera::fars_map_state(1, 2014)

masabri01/BuildingRPackagesCoursera documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:39 p.m.