net2Pajek: Save a network graph object as Pajek files

View source: R/net2Pajek.R

net2PajekR Documentation

Save a network graph object as Pajek files


The function net2Pajek save a bibliographic network previously created by networkPlot as pajek files.


net2Pajek(net, filename = "my_pajek_network", path = NULL)



is a network graph object returned by the function networkPlot.


is a character. It indicates the filename for Pajek export files.


is a character. It indicates the path where the files will be saved. When path="NULL, the files will be saved in the current folder. Default is NULL.


The function returns no object but will save three Pajek files in the folder given in the "path" argument with the name "filename.clu," "filename.vec," and ""

See Also

net2VOSviewer to export and plot the network with VOSviewer software.


## Not run: 
data(management, package = "bibliometrixData")

NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(management, analysis = "co-occurrences", 
network = "keywords", sep = ";")

net <- networkPlot(NetMatrix, n = 30, type = "auto", Title = "Co-occurrence Network",labelsize=1) 

net2Pajek(net, filename="pajekfiles", path=NULL)

## End(Not run)

massimoaria/bibliometrix documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:18 a.m.