Man pages for masurp/specr
Conducting and Visualizing Specification Curve Analyses data.frame from specr.object tibble from specr.setup object
as_tibble.specr.objectReturn tibble from specr.object
as_tibble.specr.setupReturn tibble from specr.setup object
boot_nullInference with specification curve analysis
example_dataExample data set
icc_specsCompute intraclass correlation coefficient
plot_choicesPlot how analytical choices affect results
plot_curvePlot ranked specification curve
plot_decisiontreePlot decision tree
plot_samplesizesPlot sample sizes
plot.specr.bootPlot specification curve and under-the-null distributions
plot.specr.objectPlot specification curve and analytic choices
plot.specr.setupPlot visualization of the specification setup
plot_specsPlot specification curve and analytical choices
plot_summaryCreate box plots for given analytical choices
plot_variancePlot variance decomposition
print.specr.bootPrint method for S3 class ""
print.specr.objectPrint method for S3 class "specr.object"
print.specr.setupPrint method for S3 class "specr.setup"
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
run_specsEstimate all specifications
setupSpecifying analytical decisions in a specification setup
setup_specsSet up specifications
specrFit models across all specifications
summarise_specsSummarise specifications
summary.specr.bootSummarizing the bootstrapped results
summary.specr.objectSummarizing the Specification Curve Analysis
summary.specr.setupSummarizing the Specifications Setup
masurp/specr documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:05 a.m.