
#'A realization of a \emph{Poisson-GARMA} model
#'A dataset contaning the realization of a \emph{Poisson-GARMA
#'(0,1)} model, with \eqn{\theta=0.5, \Beta=2, \mu_{0}=10}
#'@format A data frame with 30 rows and 4 variables:
#'  \item{indext}{indext, time index of the series}
#'  \item{mu.t}{mu.t, the observed \eqn{\mu_{t}} value}
#'  \item{yt}{\eqn{y_{t}}, the realization of the process}
#'  \item{x}{x, an intercept variable}
#'  }
#'@references For the \emph{GARMA} model:
#' Benjamin, Michael A., Rigby, Robert A. and Stasinopoulos, D. Mikis. 2003. Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Mar, 2003, Vol. 98, 461, pp. 214-223.

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