Man pages for matloff/Rth
Rth: Parallel R through Thrust

rthcolsumsMatrix column sums.
rthdistParallel Computation of Distances
rthmeanCalculate the mean of a one dimensional vector
rthnormParallel Vector Norm
rth.nthreadsDetermining the Number of Threads a Routine Uses
rthorderParallel Order and Rank
Rth-packageFlexible parallel computing from R, on multicore machines and...
rthpdistParallel Computaiton of Dinctances Between Matricies
rthpearsonParallel Pearson Product Moment Correlation
rthsortParallel Sort
rthtableParallel Computation of Contingency Tables
rthxposParallel Matrix Transpose
matloff/Rth documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:55 p.m.