
context("Utilities in SnowUtils")

az <- data.frame(letter = letters, number = seq_along(letters))
azaz <- rbind(az, az)

test_that("formrowchunks exports data", {

    formrowchunks(cls, az, "az_i", scramble = TRUE)
    chunks <- clusterEvalQ(cls, az_i)
    az2 <- do.call(rbind, chunks)
    az2 <- az2[order(az2$number), ]
    expect_equal(az, az2)


test_that("distrib* functions", {

    distribsplit(cls, "azaz")
    azback <- distribcat(cls, "azaz")
    expect_equal(azaz, azback)

    az2 <- distribagg(cls, ynames = "number", xnames = "letter"
                      , dataname = "azaz", FUN = "mean")

    # Not sure how to set the variable name on the aggregated version,
    # which is currently x
    expect_equivalent(az, az2)


test_that("Creating a new column in a data frame", {

    distribsplit(cls, "az")

    az_expected <- az
    az_expected$LETTER <- toupper(az_expected$letter)

    clusterEvalQ(cls, {
        az$LETTER <- toupper(az$letter)

    az_actual <- distribcat(cls, "az")

    expect_equal(az_expected, az_actual)


test_that("Other arguments for read and write table", {

    distribsplit(cls, "az")

    ndigs <- 2
    basename <- "az"

    filesave(cls, "az", newbasename = basename, ndigs = ndigs
             , sep = " ", row.names = FALSE)
    fileread(cls, fname = basename, dname = "az2", ndigs = ndigs
             , header = TRUE)
    az2 <- distribcat(cls, "az2")
    expect_equal(az, az2)

    # TODO: Clark - need to be able to pass in ndigs here.
    # Probably newbasename too.

    # Should have a randomized az on the cluster now
    #readnscramble(cls, basename, header = TRUE, sep = " ")

#    >     readnscramble(cls, basename, header = TRUE, sep = " ")
#    Error in file(infile, "r") : cannot open the connection
#    In addition: Warning message:
#    In file(infile, "r") : cannot open file 'az.1': No such file or directory


matloff/partools documentation built on Oct. 20, 2022, 2:52 p.m.