Mixed Models/lme4 Tutorial

One of the classes of methods offered by rectools is based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) in mixed effects models, using the lmer4 package. What is the former, and how is the latter used?

Our Basic Model

Let Yij denote the rating of item j by user i. The model is

E(Yij) = μ + αi + βj

Here αi is the "effect" of user i, meaning the degree of tendency for user i to give ratings that are higher or lower than the average user. Similarly, Here βj is the degree of tendency for item j to be rated higher or lower than the average item. The quantity μ is the overall overage rating over all possible users and all possible items.

There is a subtlety in that term "all possible." The model treats the users in our data as a sample from a (conceptual) population of all possible users, and the same for the items. (One drawback of this model is that it cannot accmmodate new users or items.)

So, αi and βj are considered random variables. We assume them to be independent and normally distributed, with means 0 and variances σa2 and σb2. The latter two quantities and μ are then estimated via MLE. The variances are known as variance components.

We may also have a vector X of p covariates. For simplicity, let's assume here that these pertain to users, say the age and gender. If we assume a linear regression model for these, the above model becomes

E(Yij) = μ + γ'Xi + αi + βj

where γ is the vector of regression coefficients and ' indicates matrix transpose. Now the MLE process will estimate γ as well.

The above setting is referred to as having crossed effects, with various levels of the α factor combined with various levels of the β factor. Another major setting is that of nested factors, with multiple levels of one factor for each level of the other. For instance, in an education study, we may be looking at several schools within each of a number of school districts. The nesting could be more complex, say students within schools within districts within states.

Use of the Model

In many statistical applications, estimation is the end result. The relative sizes of the variance components are the primary aspects of interest.

In other applications, though, prediction is the main goal, and that is the case for recommender systems. Let A denote the matrix whose rows are our users and columns are our items. A is typically a very sparse matrix; most users have not rated most items. We would like to predict the missing entries. This is sometimes called the matrix completion problem.

There is a mathematical theory for all this, e.g. for Best Linear Unbiased Predictors (BLUP), not presented here.

Estimation and prediction via lmer4

The lmer4 package is extremely versatile, though extremely complex. Fortunately, rectools uses only a small fraction of lmer4's capabilities. Let's try it on a small artificial example.

This code will generate the data, using the second model above. We will simulate 50 moviegoers, choosing among 50 movies, with 1000 user-item pairings, thus 1000 ratings. The A matrix, 50x50, is then 40% full. Our ratings will be continuous variables.

m <- matrix(nrow=1000,ncol=4)
md <-
colnames(md) <- c('x','u','v','y')
md$x <- rnorm(1000,1,1)
u <- sample(1:50,1000,replace=TRUE)
v <- sample(1:50,1000,replace=TRUE)
md$u <- u
md$v <- v
alpha <- rnorm(1000)[u]
beta <- rnorm(1000,0,2)[v]
md$y <- 1 + 1.5*md$x + alpha + beta + rnorm(1000)

Here μ is 1 and γ is 1.5; p = 1.

So, let's fit the model:

lmout <- lmer(y ~ x + (1|u) + (1|v),data=md)

At first this looks like an ordinary lm() call, predicting y from x, u and v. However, the notation is different, in the '(1|' expressions.

In R regression formulas, '1' means an intercept term, e.g. δ0 in the usual linear regression model

mean S = δ0 + δ1 T

Now, what if δ0 were random? The notation in the above lmer call implements that idea, saying that there is a different intercept for each value of u. That gives us our αi. The (1|v) term similarly gives us βj.

Since we have controlled simulation data here, we know what to expect, and can thus check the 'lme4' output:

> lmout
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ x + (1 | u) + (1 | v)
   Data: md
REML criterion at convergence: 3210.546
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev.
 u        (Intercept) 1.098   
 v        (Intercept) 1.859   
 Residual             1.002   
Number of obs: 1000, groups:  u, 50; v, 50
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept)            x  
      1.129        1.532  

Since we generated the data so that α and β have standard deviations 1 and 2, the above checks out. So do the intercept and slope for the X component.

The class of the output above, lmout, is of course 'lme4'. There is a corresponding method, predict.lme4(), with which we can now do prediction. Let's make a little test case. We will take one of the existing data points, and predict how this user would rate a different item.

> testset <- md[976,]
> testset
           x u  v        y
976 1.546084 7 32 4.573616
> testset$v <- 20
> testset
           x u  v        y
976 1.546084 7 20 4.573616
> predict(lmout,testset)

This makes sense, as movie 20 turns out to be more popular in general than movie 32:

> mean(md$y[md$v == 32])
[1] 2.826098
> mean(md$y[md$v == 20])
[1] 4.262068

matloff/rectools documentation built on March 31, 2022, 12:09 p.m.