Man pages for matthewcurrier/Matchezr
This package provides functions for helping with fuzzy match.

any_non_naA function to test if a selected group of cols has any NAs
chars_to_datesA date Function
chars_to_datetimesA date Function
compress_phA function to remove a specific char from a field.
concat_colsA function to to concat data frame columns.
copy_tactic_idsA function to copy tactic ids.
fill_in_tidsA function to fill in tactic ids.
get_fpathsRetrieve full file path for a directory.
helloHello, World!
hrs_to_secsConverts hours to seconds.
is.installedA function to check if a package is installed
match_write_tidThe main function for this project. Looks up values between...
r_filenameThis will tell you give you the basepart of the filename.
rightA function to extract a string by starting with the right...
to_dateTakes a dataframe and a vector of columns and converts to...
matthewcurrier/Matchezr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1 p.m.