Man pages for matthewwolak/nadiv
(Non)Additive Genetic Relatedness Matrices

aicAkaike Information Criterion
aiCIConfidence Intervals for Variance Components
aiFunSampling (co)variances
constrainFunFix a Model Parameter and Conduct Likelihood Ratio Test
drfxSimulated design random effects
F2009Pedigree adapted from Fikse 2009 with genetic groups and...
FG90Pedigree, adapted from Table 1 in Fernando & Grossman (1990)
findDFCFinds the double first cousins in a pedigree
founderLineIdentifies the matriline or patriline to which each...
genAssignGeneration assignment
geneDropFunctions to conduct gene dropping through a pedigree
ggcontribGenetic group contribution
ggTutorialSimulated dataset used to analyze data with genetic group...
grfxSimulated genetic random effects
LRTestlog-Likelihood Ratio Test
makeACreates the additive genetic relationship matrix
makeAACreates the additive by additive epistatic genetic...
makeAinvCreates the inverse additive genetic relationship matrix
makeAstarMultCreates the inverse additive genetic relationship matrix with...
makeDCreate the dominance genetic relationship matrix
makeDomEpiCreates the additive by dominance and dominance by dominance...
makeDsimCreate the dominance genetic relationship matrix through an...
makeMCreates the (additive) mutational effects relationship matrix
makeMinvCreate the inverse (additive) mutational effects relationship...
makeSCreates the additive genetic relationship matrix for the...
makeTinvCreates components of the additive genetic relationship...
Mrode2Pedigree from Table 2.1 of Mrode (2005)
Mrode3Pedigree, from chapter 3 of Mrode (2005) with genetic groups...
Mrode9Pedigree, adapted from example 9.1 of Mrode (2005)
nadiv-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'nadiv'.
nadiv-package(Non)Additive Genetic Relatedness Matrices in Animal Model...
numPedInteger Format Pedigree
pccREML convergence checks
pin-deprecatedApproximate standard errors for linear functions of variance...
prepPedPrepares a pedigree by sorting and adding 'founders'
prunePedPrunes a pedigree based on individuals with phenotypes
Q1988Pedigree with genetic groups adapted from Quaas (1988)...
simGGGenetic group pedigree and data simulation
simPedDFCDouble first cousin pedigree construction
simPedHSHalf-sib pedigree construction
simPedMCNMiddle Class Neighborhood pedigree construction
sm2listConverts a sparse matrix into a three column format.
varTransTransforms ASReml-R gamma sampling variances to component...
warcolakPedigree and phenotypic values for a mythical population of...
Wray90Pedigree, adapted from Wray (1990)
matthewwolak/nadiv documentation built on June 3, 2024, 2:38 p.m.