Man pages for mattmills49/modeler
Exploratory Data Analysis and Modeling Helper Functions

acf_by_groupCalculate Auto Correlations by Group
add_pcaadd pca variables to a data frame
binary_model_evaluationCalculate Binary Model Performance Metrics
check_driftVisualize trend in variables across another
decilesreturns the min, deciles, and max for a numeric vector
find_woefinds weight of evidence for independent variables
grouped_arrangearrange a data frame including the grouped columns
how_many_nasFind out how many missing values are in each column of a data...
impact_codetransform high cardinality categorical variables
KSFind KS Statistic of an Independent - Dependent Variable...
MissingImputationMissing Imputation
model_matrixPreserves all factor levels when creating a model matrix
multiplotplots multiple ggplot plots in a grid
NAReplaceNA Replace
n_combosn_distinct for data frames
partial_plotPartial Regression Plots for visualizing relationship between...
perusePeruse a Data Frame
profileProfile variables
remove_fromRemoves values from a vector
sample_groupssample from groups of variables
scale_y_percentageuse percentage scales for ggplot2
smoother_binomialhelper functions for smoother_binomial
smoother_gaussianhelper for continuous variables
tableNAUses the base 'table' function but always checks for NAs
VariableExploreVariable Exploration
viewPrints samples from data structre
WOEFind Weight Of Evidence
mattmills49/modeler documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:25 p.m.