Man pages for maurolepore/handy
Handy Tools for Common Problems

commasCollapse string with commas
edit_rstudio_recent_projectsOpen file to manually edit RStudio's list of Recent Projects
explore_dependenciesExplore dependencies between functions in a package.
get_path_to_listed_rprojGet the path to the file that stores RStudio's projects list.
handy-packagehandy: Handy Tools for Common Problems
install_missing_load_allGiven package names, install missing ones and load all
map_chr_firstFrom a list of dataframes, get the first element of a...
msg_guest_tokenPrint GUEST_TOKEN to pass to auto_token argument of...
msg_openPrint messages that commonly open documents.
openOpen files and directories of a project and package.
pass_argumentsReformat arguments for funcitons, from arg1, arg2 to arg1 =...
prefix_fileAdd a prefix to a file name.
search_functionSearch functions in a package matching a pattern.
to_xy_valueGather columns and rows of a matrix to variables x and y of a...
unlist_rstudio_projRemove specific projects from RStudio's list under File >...
unwhichConvert integer to boolean representation.
use_git_commandsAdd ./git.R with common git commands.
write_fun_dependenciesWrite a file with all dependencies of a user-defined...
maurolepore/handy documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:37 p.m.