  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Note: for that preselected specifications are 8 datasets included in the R-Package stAirPol __________ - 'muc_airPol_p1': A dataset of daily observations in Munich for December 2017 of PM10 - 'muc_airPol_p1_grid': A grid for 'muc_airPol_p1' - 'muc_airPol_p2': __________ - 'muc_airPol_p2': A dataset of daily observations in Munich for December 2017 of PM2.5 - 'muc_airPol_p2_grid': A grid for 'muc_airPol_p2' __________ - 'muc_airPol_p1_8h': A dataset of 8h observations in Munich for December 2017 of PM10 __________ - 'muc_airPol_p2_8h': A dataset of 8h observations in Munich for December 2017 of PM2.5 __________

If that's enough for testing, please continue with: 3_simple_modelling_and_crossvalidation.R

Specify the data path which contains the collected data.

path = '~/data'

For which German Postcode do you want to model air pollution data? Use directly one Postcode or see ?get_postcodes_for_landkreis and ?get_postcodes_for_bundesland We will take Munich for that example

m.plz <- c(80539)

Now you have to decide what the gridcellsize should be used, see ?sf::st_make_grid for information’s about the cellsize parameter

m.grid_cellsize <- 0.005

The next specification which is needed is the time range, please specify the start and the end date NOTE: currently are only whole months supported, so the start date is floored and the end date is ceilinged.

start_date = "2017-12-01"
end_date = "2017-12-31"

The specification which is needed is the aggregation interval and the time shift which is apply to the data. We choose an aggregation interval of 8 hours, for more information about the aggregration_interval units see ?lubridate::round_date. The time shift is applied to the data. Run the print method on the object for more information.

m.agg_info <- aggregation_information(timeshift = lubridate::hours(0),
                                      aggregation_interval = '24 hours')

# Data gathering ----------------------------------------------------------
m.date_pattern <- unique(substring(as.character(seq(as.Date(start_date),
                                             as.Date(end_date), 1)), 1,7))

Collection the Information’s about the sensors and the collected data from the sensors in the chosen area.

# Traffic data ------------------------------------------------------------
sensors <- get_sensors(date_pattern = m.date_pattern, plz = m.plz, path = path)
sensor_age <- get_sensor_age(path = path)
sensor_data <- get_sensor_measured_values(sensors, m.date_pattern, path = path)

Please note, if you want to gather data for a big area, I suggest to use a fixed value for lambda, e.g. lambda = 0.1, because the optimization of optim_lambda() will take a huge amount of computation costs. lambda.p1 <- lambda.p2 <- 0.1 If an optimization is applied, please check the validation plot. The local maximum should not be on the boarders, if it is please specify the lambda_range parameter.

roads <- get_opentransportmap_data(m.plz, path = path, trafficvol_treshold = 1)
lambda.p1 <- optim_lambda(sensor_data[['P1']], sensors[['P1']], roads = roads,
                          validation_plot = TRUE)
lambda.p2 <- optim_lambda(sensor_data[['P2']], sensors[['P2']], roads = roads,
                          validation_plot = TRUE)
grid.traffic.p1 <- make_grid_traffic(lambda.p1, m.plz)
grid.traffic.p2 <- make_grid_traffic(lambda.p2, m.plz)
data.traffic.p1 <- make_data_traffic(sensors = sensors[['P1']], lambda = lambda.p1)
data.traffic.p2 <- make_data_traffic(sensors = sensors[['P2']], lambda = lambda.p2)

# Space Time data ---------------------------------------------------------

# Time Variables ----------------------------------------------------------

# Rename datasets ---------------------------------------------------------

# Combine all calculated datasets -----------------------------------------

# Save RDS files ----------------------------------------------------------
saveRDS(, file = paste0(path, '/p1_model_data_',m.grid_cellsize, '.rds'))
saveRDS(, file = paste0(path, '/p1_grid_data_',m.grid_cellsize, '.rds'))
saveRDS(, file = paste0(path, '/p2_model_data_',m.grid_cellsize, '.rds'))
saveRDS(, file = paste0(path, '/p2_grid_data_',m.grid_cellsize, '.rds'))

maxikellerbauer/stAirPol documentation built on May 3, 2019, 3:16 p.m.