Man pages for mayenok/hybridEyeEEG
Different operations with EDF (eyelink data files) and DAT (bci2000 data files)

brownie.extract.file.namesExtracts file names from the meta files. Needs recognized...
check.syncChecks synchronization between EDF and DAT files
classifyPrepares eeg and eyetracking data and performs...
cut.eegCuts eeg signal bt third sync point in the last channel
decimate.eyeDecimates samples from EDF file
decimate.with.naDecimates a vector, that contains NAs
hybridEyeEEG-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
many.files.any.thresholdAscii for eeglab with comparison for many files...
pupil.sizeDraws averaged epochs for pupil area
mayenok/hybridEyeEEG documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:19 p.m.