plot.light_profile2d: Visualize 2D-Profiles, e.g., of Partial Dependence

View source: R/light_profile2d.R

plot.light_profile2dR Documentation

Visualize 2D-Profiles, e.g., of Partial Dependence


Minimal visualization of an object of class "light_profile2d". The object returned is of class "ggplot" and can be further customized.


## S3 method for class 'light_profile2d'
plot(x, swap_dim = FALSE, rotate_x = TRUE, numeric_as_factor = FALSE, ...)



An object of class "light_profile2d".


Swap the ggplot2::facet_grid() dimensions.


Should the x axis labels be rotated by 45 degrees? Default is TRUE.


Should numeric x and y values be converted to factors first? Default is FALSE. Useful if cut_type was not set to "equal".


Further arguments passed to ggplot2::geom_tile().


The main geometry is ggplot2::geom_tile(). Additional dimensions ("by" variable(s) and/or multiflashlight) are represented by facet_wrap/grid. For all types of profiles except "partial dependence", it is natural to see empty parts in the plot. These are combinations of the v variables that do not appear in the data. Even for type "partial dependence", such gaps can occur, e.g. for cut_type = "quantile" or if n_bins are larger than the number of distinct values of a v variable. Such gaps can be suppressed by setting numeric_as_factor = TRUE or by using the arguments breaks, pd_evaluate_at or pd_grid in light_profile2d().


An object of class "ggplot".

See Also


mayer79/flashlight documentation built on July 26, 2024, 6:35 a.m.