
Defines functions predict.ace

Documented in predict.ace

#' Prediction of a fitted Additive Causal Expansion model
#' Predict the the response surface and the marginal response with respect to the treatment using a fitted "ace" model.
#' In case of binary treatments, the marginal response surface is the (heterogeneous) treatment effect. Optionally, the average treatment effect that takes into account all covariances of the posterior can be returned.
#' @param object An "ace" object returned from the ace.train function.
#' @param newX (Optional) A matrix with new data. Using the training data if missing.
#' @param newZ (Optional) A vector, matrix or scalar with new treatment data. If it is a scalar, it predicts using the same value for all observations. If missing, it uses the training data.
#' @param marginal Logical flag that determines whether to predict the response surface (FALSE) or the marginal response surface/heterogeneous treatment effect (TRUE) (default: FALSE).
#' @param return_average_treatments Logical flag that determines whether treatment effect averages (ATE, ATT, ATU) are returned (default: False). Ignored if `marginal + FALSE`
#' @param normalize  For internal use (default: True). A logical scalar that determines whether new data is normalized using training moments.
#' @param ... Ignored.

#' @return{
#' For the estimate of the response surface (`marginal = FALSE`) or marginal response (`marginal = TRUE`), the method returns a list with
#' \itemize{
#' * Maximum a priori (`map`) estimate (here: mean)
#' * 95 percent credible interval (`ci`) for each prediction point
#' * Posterior variance (`var`) for each prediction point
#' * If `marginal = TRUE` and `return_average_treatments = TRUE`:
#' \itemize{
#'  * (Sample) Average Treatment Effect: `ate` with `map`, `ci`, and `var`
#'  * (Sample) Average Treatment effect of the Treated: `att` with `map`, `ci`, and `var`
#'  * (Sample) Average Treatment effect of the Untreated: `atu` with `map`, `ci`, and `var`
#'  }
#' }
#' }
#' @export

predict.ace <- function(object, newX, newZ, marginal = FALSE, return_average_treatments = FALSE, normalize = TRUE, ...){
  isbinary <- object$train_data$Zbinary
  px <- ncol(object$train_data$X)
  pz <- ncol(object$train_data$Z)
  #this function returns the prediction for the fitted Gaussian process

  if (missing(newX) && missing(newZ)){
    cat("No newX given, using training X.\n")
    newX.intern <- object$train_data$X #normalized
    cat("No newZ given, using training Z.\n")
    newZ.intern <- object$train_data$Z #normalized

  } else if (missing(newX) && !missing(newZ)){
    newX.intern <- as.matrix(rlang::duplicate(object$train_data$X)) #normalized

    if (length(newZ) == 1) newZ.intern <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(newZ.intern), nrow(newX.intern)), nrow(newX.intern), 1)
    else {
      #normalize the non-binary variables
      newZ.intern <- as.matrix(as.numeric(rlang::duplicate(newZ)))
      if(normalize) normalize_test(newX.intern, newZ.intern, object$moments)
      newX.intern <- object$train_data$X
  } else if (!missing(newX) && missing(newZ)) {
    newX.intern <- as.matrix(rlang::duplicate(newX))
    if (!marginal) cat("No newZ given, using 0.\n")

    newZ.intern <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(newX.intern)), nrow(newX.intern), 1)

    #normalize the non-binary variables
    if(normalize) normalize_test(newX.intern, newZ.intern, object$moments)

    newZ.intern <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(newX.intern)), nrow(newX.intern), 1)

  }  else if (!missing(newX) && !missing(newZ)) {
    newX.intern <- as.matrix(rlang::duplicate(newX))
    newZ.intern <- as.matrix(rlang::duplicate(newZ))

    if (ncol(newX.intern) != ncol(object$train_data$X)) stop("Dimension mismatch of X with newX", call. = FALSE)
    #if ((ncol(newZ.intern) != ncol(object$train_data$Z)) && (length(newZ) != 1)) stop("Dimension mismatch of Z with newZ", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(newZ) == 1) newZ.intern <- matrix(rep(newZ.intern, nrow(newX.intern)), nrow(newX.intern), 1)

    #normalize the non-binary variables
    if(normalize) normalize_test(newX.intern, newZ.intern, object$moments)

  if (any(abs(newX.intern) > 1)) cat("Some values of X outside the unit-circle of the training data.\n")

  #get appropriate basis
  if(!marginal) pred_list <- object$Kernel$predict(object$train_data$y,
                                                   object$moments[1, 1],
                                                   object$moments[1, 2])
  else {
    test.basis <- object$Basis$testbasis(newZ.intern)
    pred_list <- object$Kernel$predict_marginal(y = object$train_data$y,
                                                X = object$train_data$X,
                                                Z = object$Basis$B,
                                                X2 = newX.intern,
                                                Z2 = test.basis$B,
                                                dZ2 = test.basis$dB,
                                                mean_y = object$moments[1, 1],
                                                std_y = object$moments[1, 2],
                                                std_Z = object$moments[(2 + px):(1 + px + pz), 2],
                                                calculate_ate = (isbinary && return_average_treatments))
mazphilip/GPspline documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:32 p.m.