read_ef_file: Load a CSV file from the European Flux Database

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Examples


File name is parsed to extract year, site identification and aggregation type. The file name must point to a valid European Fluxes file, in CSV format and must resolve to a valid file format name.


read_ef_file(file_name, aggregation = NA_character_, year = NA_integer_,
  fill_value = -9999L)



Full path to 1 fluxes file


character string, aggregation of the flux file to be imported (default NA_character_). This is important to properly define variable types for each aggregation type. When NA_character_ it is assumed no aggregation (eg L2 files).


integer value (default NA_integer). Important to correctly add efreadr_date field


a code for a not available (NA) observation in CSV file. All the observations with 'fill_value' values are converted to NAs during import. Default is -9999L.


File name is added as a field in the returned data frame as pathname. The pathname variable may be used to join a dataframe with file metadata such as year, site code, level, aggregation, as reaf_ef_files does.

The fluxes files code not available measures as -9999 (integer variables) or -9999.00 (floating point variables). Default behaviour of read_ef_file is to treat them as NAs. All -9999L, and -9999.0, -9999.00, -9999.000 values are converted to NA during import of files. Occasionally, -9999.00 (floting point representation of NA) appear in variables that are inherently integer (i.e. sqc variables in daily flux file). This forces a type conversion of the entire variable to double.


a data frame as loaded from the file, added with 'pathname' column, and 'efreadr_date' column for half-hourly fluxes files


For semi-hourly L4 aggregation (i.e. "h" aggregation in file name) the last row is reported as month 1, day 1, hour 00:00. A normal date conversion would convert this date to be the very first half-hour in January 1st of the current year whereas it should be the first half-hour of the January 1st of the following year. Therefore a class date field (efreader_date) is added to the returned data frame holding the correct date (ie: 1st January of the following year).


file_name <- system.file(package = "efreadr", "examples", "CEIP_EC_L4_d_FABar_2015_v02.txt")

mbask/efreadr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:25 p.m.