Man pages for mbedward/packcircles
Circle Packing

bacteriaAbundance of bacteria
circleGraphLayoutFind an arrangement of circles satisfying a graph of...
circleLayoutArranges circles by iterative pair-wise repulsion within a...
circleLayoutVerticesGenerate a set of circle vertices suitable for plotting
circlePlotDataGenerate a set of circle vertices suitable for plotting
circleProgressiveLayoutProgressive layout algorithm
circleRemoveOverlapsFilters a set of circles to remove all overlaps
circleRepelLayoutArranges circles by iterative pair-wise repulsion within a...
circleVerticesGenerate vertex coordinates for a circle
packcircles-packagepackcircles: Simple algorithms for circle packing
mbedward/packcircles documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 2:07 a.m.