Man pages for mbinois/GPareto
Gaussian Processes for Pareto Front Estimation and Optimization

checkPredictPrevention of numerical instability for a new observation
CPFConditional Pareto Front simulations
crit_EHIExpected Hypervolume Improvement with m objectives
crit_EMIExpected Maximin Improvement with m objectives
crit_optimizerMaximization of multiobjective infill criterion
crit_qEHIBatch Expected Hypervolume Improvement with m objectives
crit_SMSAnalytical expression of the SMS-EGO criterion with m>1...
crit_SURAnalytical expression of the SUR criterion for two or three...
easyGParetoptimEGO algorithm for multiobjective optimization
fastfunFast-to-evaluate function wrapper
fastfun-classClass for fast to compute objective.
getDesignGet design corresponding to an objective target
GPareto-packagePackage GPareto
GParetoptimSequential multi-objective Expected Improvement maximization...
integration_design_optimFunction to build integration points (for the SUR criterion)
nonDomSetNon-dominated points with respect to a reference
ParetoSetDensityEstimation of Pareto set density
plotGParetoPlot multi-objective optimization results and post-processing
plotParetoEmpPareto front visualization
plotParetoGridVisualisation of Pareto front and set
plotSymDevFunDisplay the Symmetric Deviation Function
plotSymDifRNPSymmetrical difference of RNP sets
plot_uncertaintyPlot uncertainty
predict_kmsPredict function for list of 'km' models.
TestFunctionsTest functions of x
mbinois/GPareto documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 4:35 a.m.