clipboard: R package making copy-pasting easy

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Package "clipboard" provide a portable way of interacting with system clipboard. You can write content into a clipboard to be able to paste it into some other application. For completeness, there are also functions for getting content from the clipboard into R. The primary motivation for writing this package was to be able to quickly copy a content of a R object, typically a matrix or a data frame, to be able to paste it into a table in an Office program (e.g. MSWord, LibreOffice Writer, Excel, Calc, and alike).


Functions in package "clipboard" try to use existing facilities, i.e. connections, for writing into system clipboard as documented on help(connections). So far, functions for that purposes are available only on some systems. For example, function writeClipboard is available only on Windows. In package "clipboard" the type of the operating system is detected and appropriate method for writing and reading into the clipboard is automatically selected. In some cases the package has to rely on external tools. They are mentioned below.

Linux: xclip


Use package "devtools" and install_github:



The main function is cb writes a textual representation of a single R object into clipboard. The function is generic. Currently implemented methods cover vectors, matrices, data frames, and tables. Users can write their own methods. Additionally, functions write_cb and read_cb provide a low-level interface.

The package is developed on Github at Please use Github facilities for submitting bugs (issues).

mbojan/clipboard documentation built on June 27, 2022, 8:23 p.m.