crannet: Snapshot of CRAN packages

Description Format Source


Snapshot of CRAN packages made on 2016-08-12


The network object is of class igraph. It is a directed network which contains \Sexpr{igraph::vcount(cranet::crannet)} packages (vertices) and \Sexpr{igraph::ecount(cranet::crannet)} inter-package relations (edges). The network, together with vertex and edge attributes is build from the matrix as returned by available.packages, which in turn is based on package DESCRIPTION files.

Available edge attributes: \Sexpr{paste( igraph::list.edge.attributes(cranet::crannet), collapse=", ")}

Available vertex attributes: \Sexpr{paste( igraph::list.vertex.attributes(cranet::crannet), collapse=", ")}.

The network is a multi-graph, i.e. there may be multiple edges between a given pair of nodes. This corresponds to the fact, that package X may, for example, both depend and import package Y. To disentangle the types of relations one can use edge attribute type which identifies a type of inter-package relation. Possible values are of this attribute are: \Sexpr{paste( sort(unique(igraph::E(cranet::crannet)$type)), collapse=", ")}. They come from the respective columns in the matrix returned by available.packages.

See available.packages for the description of the attributes and types of inter-package relations.


Fetched from on August 12, 2016.

mbojan/cranet documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:04 a.m.