d3net-package: Visualizing networks using Shiny and D3.js

Description Details Author(s) See Also


Framework for creating Shiny applications for static and dynamic network visualizations using D3.js JavaScript library.


The package relies on an interactive SVG graph showing the network with force-directed placement. The vertices and and edges can be dragged around to modify the layout. Vertex- and edge-level attributes can be shown using vertex color and size, edge width, and dynamic tooltips.

The package enables to visualize both static network data (currently objects of class "igraph" or "network") and dynamic network data (objects of class "networkDynamic", currently experimental feature).

The graph is zoomable. The graph itself is also zoomable. For dynamic networks, player controls has been provided.


Michal Bojanowski michal2992@gmail.com, Monika Pawluczuk pawluczuk.monika@gmail.com

See Also



mbojan/d3net documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:21 p.m.