Man pages for mbojan/isnar
Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R

assortAssortativity Coefficient
CataniaPattern of sexual contacts in AMEN study
coauthorshipCoauthorship network
colemanColeman's homophily index
earningsSubset of Polish General Social Survey data with data on...
EFnetExample data from Echenique and Fryer (2006)
eiKrackhard and Stern's E-I index
foldFolding square matrices around the diagonal
freemanGeneralized Freeman's segregation index
full_mmCreate a 3-dimensional mixingm matrix
Galesburg2Columbia University Drug Study data 2
gamixGupta-Anderson-May measure of within-group mixing
gender_rolesSubset of Polish General Social Survey data with response to...
group_sizesComputing group sizes from square mixing matrices...
IBE121Classroom network
Input_outputInput-output table for U.S. economy
isnarIntroduction to Social Network Analysis with R
judge_netJudges network
judge_net_bpBipartite judges-judgments network
mixingmNetwork mixing matrix
orwgOdds ratio of existence of within-group ties
pairwise_redundancyPairwise tie redundancy
read_highland_tribesRead Highland Tribes
smiSegregation Matrix Index
ssiSpectral Segregation Index for Social Networks
symmetrize(De)symmetrize square numeric matrix
WnetWhite's data on Effective Kinship Networks
mbojan/isnar documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 4:38 a.m.